Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Prodigal Fat Girl Returns...

Its been 5 weeks since my last blog post, and about 2 weeks since I last weighed myself.  The last time I was brave enough to step on the scale it looked like I had gained about 4 pounds.  I have stopped logging onto MyFitnessPal, and nearly stopped exercising.  So let's just go ahead and say what we're all thinking here - I fell off the wagon. 

So here comes the excuse... without going into too many lengthy details, suffice it to say that my life has been extremely stressful and emotional for the past month... OK, in a nutshell, we are in the process of selling our house and buying a new one.  Those of you who have been through this know that it is never as easy as you think it should be.  Those of you who have been through the process with babies and toddlers know that it can feel, at times, impossible.  In addition to that stress, a very dear family member recently declined in health dramatically, and sadly died about a week and a half later.  After traveling to PA to say goodbye, we came home to marching band season, so Nick was out of the house many evenings and Saturdays.  Like I said, its been an emotional and stressful past month. 

Not that I couldn't have continued to lose weight and improved my health during that time, I just basically chose not to.  For me, making healthy choices is a daily, sometimes hourly battle.  It takes an incredible amount of will power and creativity to stay on the wagon.  During the past month or so I just didn't have the emotional energy to make those choices.  SO I did not.  And I gained some weight back. 

But now its mid-October, and marching band season is over.  The sale of our house is well underway.  I am beginning to accept the loss in our family.  I'm ready to take a deep breath get back on the wagon.  

Tomorrow is Monday.  I LOVE Mondays.  Others may hate them, but I love them.  Mondays symbolize a fresh start, and give me a concrete and tangible time to hit the reset button.  So tomorrow I am going to do just that. 

This week I invite you to reunite with me on my journey toward a smaller, happier, and healthier Reb.  I promise to blog every day.  I promise to log what I eat online.  I promise to exercise, even if it is only once this week.  I promise to jump back on board, no matter how disappointed, embarrassed, or defeated I feel.  Its time to get off my butt and do this thing.  So here we go........


Weight Loss Stats

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods