Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Gym Week: Day 3

I decided to do something different today and give the tread mill a try.  I am always really hesitant to go on the tread mill.  I had a fear as a young adult that I would fall off.  So one day in the Ithaca College gym I decided to face my fear and try the tread mill... and I fell off.  So its really hard for me to make myself get on that thing, even though I know it will give me a really good workout.  Despite my tread mill paranoia, I did go on today and had a GREAT workout.  

Thanks to everyone's great advice form my last post, I had some ideas on how to get my heart rate up and keep my feet feeling better in the process.  I did some interval training, and it was AWESOME.  I didn't really have a plan at first, I just thought I would alternate running and walking as it seemed appropriate.  I kept track of what I did and I even recorded my heart rate.  This is how it went down:

WALKED at 2.8 MPH for 5 minutes
RAN at 4.5 MPH for 15 minutes
WALKED at 3.5 MPH for 5 minutes
RAN at 5 MPH for 5 minutes
WALKED at 3.5 MPH for 5 minutes

It seemed that at the peak of my running my heart rate was around 165, if the machine was accurate that is, and when I was cooled down and walking it was about 128.  I really have no idea if that is healthy or not, but it made me feel good to see my heart rate increase and then stay elevated while running. 
I'm looking forward to trying to treadmill again tomorrow, but probably not as much as these guys. ;-)


  1. Yeah!! I didn't get to read yesterday's post until today, but it seemed like most suggestions were things I would have said. I too am not a big fan of running/treadmills BUT interval training almost seems fun. Glad you liked it. Your heart rate sounds about the same as what mine does.

    And about getting to the gym with your kids fighting against you WAY TO GO!!! I always feel like it is a mental game to stay on task of going to the gym when all situations at home just make you want to ball up & eat I d cream.

  2. YAY!!! (I love those corgis!) :D


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