Saturday, June 23, 2012

Not so weekly weigh in...

I am so sorry that it has been such a long time since my last post!  This week has been one crazy ride.  I've been feeling exceptionally moody, weepy, fat, and unable to say "NO" to food lately.  At first I thought I might be pregnant, but then it happened - I got my period back.  For those of you who do not know, I just had my second child in January of this year, and my monthly period had been absent since her birth... until yesterday, that is.  So once again my hormones are a whirlwind, trying to find harmony where there has only been chaos for the last 14 months.

It is for these reason that I am making an executive decision to skip the weekly weigh in.  I apologize to those of you who have been waiting at the edge of your seats for the weekly results from my bathroom scale.  I just think that whatever the scale reads today will be an inaccurate portrayal of the previous week.  I will say, however, that I weighed myself on Thursday morning and I was happy to be back down to 200 lbs.  However, on Friday I was up to 203.6, no doubt a result of water retention and bloating brought on by my "monthly visitor."  As I said before, my body seems entirely too unstable to post an official weight today.

In the mean time, here is a list of some things I did well this past week:

1. Went to a cycle class on Tuesday.
2. Took my MOM to a cycle class on Tuesday!
3. Drank lots of water and decaf iced tea.
4. Took a long walk with the kids and my sister on Thursday.
5. Resisted eating a second (and third and fourth) piece of wedding cake at a wedding reception I attended last night.

Some things I want to do better this week:

1. Embrace being hungry as a necessary step toward weight loss.
2. Take more walks.
3. Eat primarily when I am hungry.

I feel pretty good about the previous week, and although I am skipping my weigh in today I am 92.5% confident that you will see success from the scale next week.  SO stay tuned, friends, and thanks for walking along side me during my blog hiatus brought on by a fit raging hormones. I promise to write more this week.

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Weight Loss Stats

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