Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stonyfield Farms Organic Fat Free Yogurt

If you want a yogurt that is organic, devoid of artificial sweeteners like aspartame, AND delicious, then Stonyfield Farms organic fat free yogurts are the way to go!  More specifically, the "chocolate underground" flavor, pictured above, is a personal favorite.  I really like this chocolate yogurt because, first and foremost, it is tasty, cool, and refreshing.  However, it is also low in calories but still chemical free.  How can you go wrong, really?  

Not necessarily keen on the idea of chocolate yogurt?  No problem.  Stonyfeild farms makes a plethora of delectable yogurts in both fat free and low fat versions.  I would also like to mentions that they make a whole milk yogurt for babies and toddler that my son just loves.  
I guess its just nice for me to be able to enjoy a cool cup of sweet yogurt and not worry about the all the artificial sweeteners or colors, not mention all the calories of regular yogurt or ice cream that I might other wise indulge in. I encourage you to pick up a cup and try it out for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rebecca,
    I love the blog! You've inspired me to keep a recipe blog during my month long raw food detox. I was traveling a lot in April and May and ended up eating way too much processed food.
    So far, I'm feeling great on 100% raw food, and finding lots of amazing, healthy recipes.

    Best wishes with your weight loss goal!


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