Friday, June 15, 2012

Gym Week: Day 5

I have to confess that I did not go to the gym today.  It was not for lack of motivation, however, I assure you.  My schedule was JAM PACKED today and I literally did not have time.  To prove it to you, here is a brief run down of my day:

7:00am - Elizabeth up
7:30am - Noah up
8:30am - hung a load of laundry on clothes line outside
9:30am - @LifeSpring Community Church to pick up a form
10:00am - bank
10:15am - @Bible study
12:00pm - leave Bible study, drive to Waterloo Outlet Mall to get Nick Father's Day gift
12:35 - shop at outlet mall
12:45 - drive to Stefanie's house
1:15 - Arrive at Stefanie's, start planning for MOPS presentation for church
4:00 - leave Stefanie's, drive to Nick's end-of-the-yea band picnic at Onanda Park
4:45 - picnic
6:45 - leave picnic, head home
7:15 - Elizabeth in bath, PJ's, night time feeding, down to bed
8:15 - get Noah ready for bed, take clothes off the clothes line
8:45 - unload car from the day's travels

AND the gym closes at 9pm.  So I literally did not have enough time to go to the gym today.  However, I did so much running around that I barely remembered to eat, and I certainly burned a lot of calories loading the kids in and out of the car all day.  It may have been a little over ambitious of me to promise to go to the gym EVERY day withe the kids.  Oh well.  I am very content with how I spent my day.

Just a heads-up, I probably won't make it to the gym tomorrow, either, and I have another really good reason for that.  Tomorrow our church is doing a "walk for water" to raise money for a mission trip to South America.  We will be walking 3 miles to the lake, filling up buckets of water, and walking 3 miles back to the church... with the kids in the stroller, haha.  SO I think that is sufficient exercise for the day, don't you?

Weekly weigh in tomorrow... stay tuned to the fat diaries to see how I do!  

1 comment:

  1. Um, yeah. I think you get a "pass" on both days! Lol. Way to go, momma.


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