Sunday, June 17, 2012

Weekly Weigh In

So, after a week of working out, I am still stuck at 201.  This could be the result of a few different things:

  • Although I worked out a lot, I still had trouble eating the right amount of food.  There may have been some over eating this week.  
  • I am nursing, which makes it easy to lose the fat gained during pregnancy, but hard to lose additional fat that was packed on before baby.  
  • I am just getting older, which means my metabolism is probably slowing down, making it harder to burn off that belly fat.  (And butt fat, and back fat, and...) 
  • Even though I went to the gym every day I spend the first couple of days just getting a feel for the place, not really burning significant calories.  I plan to change that this coming week.

Honestly, I am disappointed, but not discouraged.   Am I feeling let down, fat, stuck in a rut?  YES.  Am I going to give up?  NO.  Do I want to give up?  SOMETIMES.  But I press on.  Now that I am in the gym groove I will try to go frequently this week and in addition, eat less, sleep more, and drink more fluids.

Please stay with me, and don't give up on me.  I feel embarrassed for not having lost weight AGAIN, and I'm afraid that another week of disappointing news at the scale will cause people to give up on me and stop following the blog.  Please prove me wrong.  Your support, encouragement, and faithfulness is what keeps me on this path, however winding it may be.  So I urge you to stick with me, and cheer me on as I try again to lose weight next week.  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


  1. I think that there is still a positive in not gaining weight. If you had not decided to change some of your habits, you may have weighed more than 205 now.

  2. We're not going to give up on you! Positive change is positive change, whether or not the scale reflects it. Remember, sometimes your body changes even if the number doesn't.

  3. Hi! Also, when people start working out in earnest, they gain muscle while losing fat, and muscle is denser than the fat so it's normal to gain some weight at first. Then the muscle evens out and fat keeps coming off. It's not necessarily a bad thing that you didn't lose weight last week.
    That is all... :-)


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