Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gym Week:Day 2

I did slightly better at the gym today, no thanks to my son, who sat on the potty chair for 15 minutes without doing any "business" right before we left, then earned himself a time out for trying to take apart said potty chair, then promptly peed all over the kitchen stairs while in time out (he was diaper -less, of course)... then on my way out of the door my daughter spit up in my gym shoe.  BUT ANYWAY, we did make it eventually. 

This time I did 33 minutes on the elliptical machine.  I increased the resistance to 5 today and kept the cross ramp at 4.  I tried to keep my stripes-per-minute right around 140.  I was glad that I did at least 30 minutes of cardio, because I feel like 30 minutes is sort of a bare minimum. 

I have to be honest, however, and say that I didn't feel like it really got  my heart rate up enough to burn significant calories.  I'm not sure if this is a result of the elliptical machine itself or how hard I am working on it.  Whatever the case, I am going to do something different tomorrow.  Either a cycle class or the tread mill.  Stay tuned to find out! 

I am also looking for some good advice on foot wear for anyone out there who is reading this post.  I am having some major foot issues when I work out.  Here is my problem - every time I work out my feet get incredibly hot, to the point of feeling that they are burning, and my toes go numb, especially in my right foot.  I know my shoes fit well, because I spent a long time trying on shoes before I bought them a few months ago, and they doesn't feel too tight at all.  This problem never happens when I am walking, but as soon as I get going on the elliptical I have an issue.  It really discourages me from working out much longer than half an hour.  HELP!  What can I do to make my feet more comfortable? 

Thanks for reading.  Tune in tomorrow for more gym week updates! 


  1. My toes go numb too! To stop it, I pick my foot up and rotate my ankle. But, if I could know how to prevent it that would be great. See if this helps get your heart rate up: run really fast for 30 seconds every once in a while (or make it 30 seconds every other minute or something) that always helps me :-)

  2. I have a couple ideas for you, Becky. Our "gym" has only a few machines - a treadmill, elliptical, and a bike. Also a Universal, but that's just for lifting. I like to run before any other machines, a sure fire way to get the ticker up to beat. After that, even taking it easy on one of the others sort of starts off a little more difficult. Typically it feels like the elliptical doesn't feel like it's doing much until the 25-30 min mark either... crank it up, or try the hills?

    Foot pain is pretty common, I think. It could be a matter of stretching your foot and calf muscle. Stand at the edge of a step or stair on the ball of your foot with your heels off the edge. Raise and lower yourself at a steady pace to stretch, hold on to something for stability - very easy to fall. Or go for the massage; (with whatever pressure seems to help) roll a golf ball around the underside of your foot. It will loosen the muscles and help to improve circulation.

  3. First of all, not at the time, but that first paragraph... Hilarious. You can't make that stuff up!

    My toes always fell asleep on the elliptical, but never on the treadmill. Also, on the ...I forget the name... The bike where you sit in a chair position, but not on a normal bike. I think it's a circulation issue. When I did the elliptical, I would sometimes lean forward (bend from the waist and tighten core, keep back straight) and put my body weight on the balls of my feet for a bit. It would get my heart rate up too.

    I always preferred the treadmill.

  4. Oh and I used to do the intervals Jamie mentioned with my trainer. We started with walk 5 run 30 and kept increasing the run time each week. I think I got up to running for like 3 minutes (and I don't mean jogging, it was more like sprinting). I HATE jogging/running, but I actually kind of liked the intervals. And "gets the heart rate up" is an understatement. ;)

  5. Hey Becky!

    My toes always go numb on the elliptical too. I recently switched to wearing the Vibram Five Finger shoes. Even if your current shoes fit well, what I've found with these is that they make me more aware of what I'm actually doing with my feet. For example, I realized that I was letting my feet and toes slam into the front of the pedal because I wasn't really pushing hard enough with my feet, but rather, letting the momentum carry me. Last night I tried to correct this and found that not only did my toes not go numb, it was a harder workout. You can usually find them online for ~$45-$50.

    Also, I think when starting to work out, it's important to take baby steps. The first few weeks I went I never really felt like I got my heart rate up. But (on your advice) I noted and celebrated the good I had done just by getting to the gym at least 3 times that week and doing SOMETHING rather than nothing. After a week or two I found it easier to work out and motivate myself and naturally push to get my heart rate up.

    Now what I like to do is the interval setting which changes up resistance and incline every two minutes. I also used to do the sprinting thing Miss F mentioned. I will got at a normal pace on the elliptical for 45 seconds, then go my hardest for 15 seconds, then repeat. Even if you only do it for 10 minutes in the middle of your workout it gives you a great boost!

    You are doing an amazing job just by getting there. I find it difficult to make it and I don't have a toddler and a baby! So, celebrate your accomplishment, even if it's only a 15 minute workout, because it's 15 minutes you wouldn't have done otherwise!!!


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