Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Pig Out

It is so hard to eat right when it comes to holidays!  I know Memorial Day isn't exactly as difficult as some of the big offenders like Thanksgiving or Christmas, but it was still hard for me today.  As a culture, we tend to celebrate using food, and so for me, it is a learned ritual to over eat on days like today... 

Not that I completely pigged out, but I know that I probably gained at least a pound over the course of this 3 day weekend, if not 2 pounds.  Hot dogs, candy, Popsicles, hamburgers, marshmallows, wine and beer were all consumed without restraint.  I should have exhibited more self control... but I did not. 

I have said it before, and I will say it again, tomorrow is a new day.  I will not let the mistakes of yesterday effect the potential successes of tomorrow.  I will wake up with a renewed motivation to eat right, exercise and lose weight. 

My plan to jump start the week is to start the day off with a fruit and veggie smoothie for breakfast, followed by spinning class.  Hopefully an afternoon walk will happen, and lots of decaf iced tea and ice water instead of Popsicles to combat the heat. 

I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.  Here's to turning the momentum around and getting back on track! 

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